у моего 629-го лилипута нет функции включения автоматом, не иначе как через управляющий провод
у меня, технически, точно ТАКОЙ ЖЕ монитор (где ты такое старьё отрыл?
). про АВТОвключение читай
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Auto Power On New Lilliput - Programming Guide
For those of you who have a Lilliput Monitor who are interested in getting it to Auto-Power On without having to rip it apart and solder. Here is a programing guide that's extremely simple. Please be advised that this method has been confirmed on the New Lilliputs Models and Some older models.
Those of you who have been waiting for More Programming Codes, Here You GO
The 629 units look like this:
http://www.newision.com/pro/629vt_b.jpg The 619 models look like this:
http://www.mp3car.com/store/images/v...lil7t_logo.jpg It's not a guarantee that it will work on the older models but it has been confirmed that it works on the ones with the 10 Pin connector.
If it works on your lilliput please leave a post with you model # so we can make a list of confirmed monitors. Click the link up to for more Guides. Thanks and Enjoy!
Here is what you do. Take your time and pay attention.
Auto Power On New Lilliput - Programming Guide
You could try the following reset:
1.In VGA mode with your PC turned on (Recommended) , SLOWLY Input "588998" to come into the "factory setup" with the remote control unit.
Note: If you have trouble pulling up the "factory setup" menu try this solution View Thread
2.When the screen shows "--- - - - -", input "1270*10". The * means there are three modes you can choose: 0,1 and 2. If you choose 0, the monitor will go into standby mode when we switch on the power (default). Choose 1, the monitor will go into Power-On mode (This is what you want), and choose 2, it will go into the mode when you switch off the power.
In a nut shell you would enter "1270110" to activate the auto power on.
(Please note: If you setup on NW618TVT(with TV input) please input "1270111")
3. Press any number key to store the setup.
Enjoy! Isn't that much easier than ripping your unit apart?
про добавление этой функции переключения я знаю, себе не делал, читай
тут и
тут. есть ещё дополнительные картинки доработки платы от одного буржуя, но я их не буду постить потому что ты всё равно ничего сам делать не станешь